International Conference on Interdisciplinary Terrorism and Extremism Studies in Europe, Asia, and Africa

24th – 26th January 2025, Vienna


Opening of Conference with

Omar Haijawi-Pirchner

Head of the Directorate for State Protection and Intelligence (DSN)

Mag. Gerhard Karner

Austrian Minister of the Interior

Prince Michael of Liechtenstein


Deadlines/Key Dates

Please, remember the following important dates:

In today’s global landscape, terrorism remains one of the most significant and pervasive threats to international security and stability. The fight against terrorism and extremism and related measures have been overwhelmingly perceived as a security issue and have not received sufficient attention from academia as a field of research.

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler

Director of the Counter Extremism Project

Prof. Dr. Peter Neumann

King's College London

Prof.Dr. Hikmahanto Juwana

University of Indonesia

Dr. Eva Herschinger

University of the Bundeswehr Munic

Call for Papers

International Conference on Interdisciplinary Terrorism and Extremism Studies in Europe, Asia and Africa (ICITES)

24th – 26th January 2025

Organized by University of Vienna & University of Indonesia in cooperation with University of Lagos

Invited Speakers

(The speakers will be supplemented with further commitments)

Prof. Harkristuti Harkrisnowo

S.H., M.A., Ph.D., Universitas of Indonesia

Dr. Bilveer Singh

National University of Singapore

Zora A. Sukabdi, Ph.D.

Universitas Indonesia

Dr. Evelyn Bokler-Völkel

Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster.

Dr. Elizabeth Pearson

Royal Holloway University of London

Prof. Mohd Mizan Aslam

National Defense University, Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Usman A. Tar

The Premier Military University of West Africa.

Dr. Lorenzo Vidino

George Washington University

Dr. Guo Yanjun

China Foreign Affairs University

Prof. Dr. Dele Ashiru

University of Lagos

Dr. Imam Subandi

S.S., S.H, M.H., Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

Mg. Mayndra Eka Wardhana

Densus 88

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kuru

San Diego State University/USA

Prof. Isaac Olawale Albert

University of Ibadan

Rebecca Schönenbach

Frauen für Freiheit e. V.

Dr. Jessica White

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)

Maher Farghali

freelance journalist

Dr. Eva Herschinger

University of the Bundeswehr Munich

Ass. Prof. Dr. Shyamal Kataria

University of Sharjah

Dr Brian J Phillips

Department of Government University of Essex

Steve Chermak

Michigan State University, School of Criminal Justice

Dr. Boushra Jabar

Belgrade Centre for Security Policy

Dr. Nicolas Stockhammer

University for Continuing Education Krems

Elina Beketova

Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)

Sonja Biserko

Author and human rights activist.

Prof. Dr. Vlado Azinovic

University of Sarajevo

Conference Organizers

Sponsorship of the conference

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University of Vienna

Oskar-Morgenstern Platz 1
1090 Vienna

+43-1-4277-425 + DW -02

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